The University Campus Aylesbury Vale opened in January and has nearly 250 students. In conjunction with Aylesbury College and Bucks New University it offers full and foundation degree courses in a variety of professions. These include business management, engineering, health and social care and IT.
Love it or hate the new AVDC funded £16.5 million building has caused quite a stir amongst people in the town. It is quite imposing with its glistening white walls and curvy roof. Many traditionalists think that it does not blend with the historic canal basin. Since, however, all the original buildings, some dating back 200 years, have all been demolished the basin is now a modern showpiece for Aylesbury.
Chief Executive Ian Harper will be giving a talk on the new university on Thursday 28th January at 2.30 pm in the Lounge, Friends Meeting House, Rickford’s Hill, Aylesbury.